About us

Differential is a Startup that started with a simple idea that was both novel and obvious - "Monolithic code doesn't have to mean monolithic execution".

Why we started

We started building Differential as a part because we were unsatisfied with the status quo of inter-service communication. We believe that current means of service to service communication such as pub-sub, queues, RPC mechanisms and HTTP APIs are making tradeoffs that are antithetical to rapid iteration and developer experience in vast majority of the cases.

Our mission

We believe that developers are best when they can solve actual problems. But sometimes technology choices lead to bloated architectures that add cognitive load. Our mission is to provide a tool that helps scaling a service for serious workloads, with the least amount of "new things" to learn, in turn making the developer more productive.

Our people

Differential is founded and funded by a team with decades of experiences in wrangling complex distributed systems to their will. Differential was born out of necessity, and remains a tool our team "dogfoods" in their day to day. We do most of our work from the city with the most excellent coffee - Melbourne, Australia.

open-source &

Differential is fully open-source under the Apache 2.0 license and self-hostable on any provisioned compute.